In a few days I turn 40!!!!
I know scary… well actually not really. I don’t know why but I’ve not felt the age-crisis most people apparently feel. It might hit me in a few days, I’ll have to see.
I’ve never been the kind of person that longed for children and I’m still not that person, I’m well happy about my 2 year old nephew and to follow his development in life, it’s amazing how much we learn in life and can learn over even a short period of time.
Since I’ve not felt the age crisis (yet), but I’ve been thinking for a couple of years about study something withing IT and programming. Finding something to study while working 40 hours a week or more, and still trying to have a life is not as easy as it sounds. This course sounds exactly like what I’ve been looking for. I’ve worked at the same company for almost 9 years now and enough is enough, and taking up a new line of work is the change and challenge I need at this point in life.
In my youth (20s something) I studied Mechanical Engineering; Product Development and Design, for 3 years. My life took a turn back then and I never got my degree, and sadly never worked within that line. However I did get myself a job working as an administrator within telecommunications for about 7 years and then to inventory management for about 6 years.
My technical background gives me a logical and systematic approach to most problems and is a skill that have helped me a lot in life and I think will also be very helpful as a developer.
I stumbled upon Pink Programming a couple of years ago and absolutely loved the concept, but I have never participated during any of the events yet. To be able to learn from others in a relaxed environment without the pressure of feeling judged is such a great thing. I’d be very grateful to be able to be a part of that. To be able to open up this line of business for more diversity and make it more including for everyone, will also make it grow on so many different levels.
In my opinion, doing this, doing something completely new in life, stepping out of my comfort zone, taking this first step not knowing what it will bring, is a lot more scary and yet exciting, than turning 40.